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Success Stories 


Participant Comments:



“Fun activities, I love it. 

Lucy helps me when I need her and Ms. Pepe talk to me about what going on at my house.”  


“It’s so much fun and get to know people to get out the house

and out with ya’ll the best friend I ever had.  When I get mad I call and talk to you all.”  


“Team is nice and kind.”


“They are kind and sympathetic to everyone.”


“It is fun to socialize and cook.”


“The activities are always different and interesting.” 


“They always know what to say.” 


They make sure no one hurts me.” 


“They talk about anger and help me.” 


“They always make me happy about myself. 

They help me think positive things instead of negative things.”


“They keep me out of trouble and from hurting myself or others.”




Circle of Support Comments:



“You guys do awesome. The guys look forward to going.” – (Group home administrator)


“He’s doing so much better.  You guys know how to work with them

and get them to open up when we can’t.  You help him learn to control himself. 

I didn’t think he could calm himself this way.”

– (Group home staff)


“Keep doing what you guys do cause he is doing well.  He doesn’t have fits or episodes of anger and aggression; no throwing objects and flipping out on staff.  He’s been doing better with regard to following rules in the house and is getting along with everyone overall. 

He really likes the program.” – (Group home staff)


“She hasn’t had any outburst like she used to.  She likes the program and is happy when she is engaged and participates.  She loves the staff.”


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